the Babysitting program at OlynJoy.
Looking for a kid sitter? In- home, hotel, restaurant …, our professionals will keep your child’s daily routine and give them around-the-clock attention from the comfort of your location. We find the perfect boarding match for your child based on their preferences and personality.
Kid boarding includes
- Personalized 1:1 care by our professionals (This service is offered only to clients who request reoccurring schedule with us: from a week onward for at least 2 hours a day or a total of 10 hours)
- Text updates with Pictures and Videos
- Personalized activities as per kid’s age
- Snuggle, Love, and Attention (a lot of it)
- Feeding
- Diaper changing
- Bath time
- Bed story
- …and more as needed! The time is yours
- The below offers are for services requested at least 48 hours before your wanted appointment. Additional fees will be applied for same-day request, unless you are a frequent client (if availability).
- Minimum booking hours are 3 hours daily. The service should be booked for no more than 12 hours.
- The prices include
Day | Night, Weekend & National holidays | |
Per hour | 65 AED | 75 AED |
27 hours (valid for a month) | 1485 AED (55 AED/h) | 1755 AED |
78 hours (valid for 3 months) | 3900 AED | 4680 AED |
150 hours (valid for 6 months) | 6750 AED | 8250 AED |
300 hours (valid for a year) | 9000 AED | 13500 AED |